'2016/09/01'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2016.09.01 <종이를 다스리는 자>
  2. 2016.09.01 <Brian Robinson 컬렉션>

<종이를 다스리는 자>

작년에 네이버 "온블게임 블로그"에서 "종이를 다스리는 자" 라는 제목이 붙어있던 포스팅 펌해왔던 거 이제야 올려봅니다.
얼마전에는 종이로 만든 작품을 올려드렸었는데요~ 뜻밖에 이런 류의 작품을 하는 분이 많네요?
멋진 아이디어와 그에 걸맞는 열정이 충만한 아티스트가 정말로 많이많이 탄생하였으면 좋겠습니다

▶출처 : 네이버 블로그


#그림 #명화 #명작 #유화 #수채화 #아크릴페인팅 #인상파 #미술감상 #세계명화 #아트컬렉션 #데미안아트 #유명화가 #안성대 #아트유튜브 #추상화 #하이퍼리얼리즘 #화가 #아티스트 

Posted by 솔가지 스튜디오

<Brian Robinson 컬렉션>

After training as a graphic designer at Art School, I had a successful career in the advertising industry for many years. During this time painting was a hobby which I indulged at every opportunity. With the advent of computerised graphics I quickly discovered that pushing a mouse around wasn't at all exciting. My pictures were by now selling quite well so I decided it was a good time for a career change to full time artist.

I would say that I am an emotional painter rather than an intellectual one. If I see something that gives me a buzz, I'll try to paint it. Usually it is colour and the play of sun and shadow that attract me to a subject. Woodland, the rural scene, watery reflections and boats are images that never fail to interest me. However having said that, I do believe that wherever you look there is a painting waiting to be done - it's just a question of seeing it!

▶출처 : 구글


#그림 #명화 #명작 #유화 #수채화 #아크릴페인팅 #인상파 #미술감상 #세계명화 #아트컬렉션 #데미안아트 #유명화가 #안성대 #아트유튜브 #추상화 #하이퍼리얼리즘 #화가 #아티스트 

Posted by 솔가지 스튜디오
이전버튼 1 이전버튼

블로그 이미지
♣솔가지 스튜디오 안성대의 아름다운 그림과 따뜻한 삶, 휴먼 라이프 정보 공유 블로그입니다♣
솔가지 스튜디오





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