<셜리 노박(Shirley Novak, 1948- ) 컬렉션 2편>
Shirley Novak Wall Art
Shirley Novak is an American artist who specializes in oil painting. Growing up in Southern California, Shirley always had the desire to paint. She loves painting poppies, although her subjects include other flower types as well. Shirley’s desire to share the beauty of flowers with the world is what inspired her to paint. She took painting workshops in the 1990s as a result of which her love for painting grew even stronger. She has developed her own painting style that allows her to express herself the best way she can. In 1996 in particular, she left California and went to Denver, Colorado, to study painting with one of her workshop teachers, Len Chmiel. While still following Chmiel’s lessons, she also registered at the Art Students League where she honed her art skills further. The league provided a great environment where she could interact with people who share in her aspirations.(Read more...)
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