◑솔가지 스튜디오/아트 컬렉션

<에밀 프리앙(Emile Friant) 컬렉션>

솔가지 스튜디오 2016. 10. 22. 22:26

<에밀 프리앙(Emile Friant) 컬렉션>

프랑스 낭시출신의 사실적 내츄널리즘 
출생-사망 1863년~1932년

Friant was born in the commune of Dieuze. He would later be forced to flee to Nancy by the encroachment of the Kingdom of Prussia's soldiers. He exhibited paintings throughout his lifetime at the Paris Salon.
Friant created works in charcoal, oil, and other media. He also used photographs to prepare finished paintings.

▶이미지출처 : 구글


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